Gay cum drink stories

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The man seated to my right stood up an slowly rubbed his hugh cum oozing cock knob on my mouth and then pushed it into it and said,' suck it hard cocksucker I need to cum real bad cocksucker and I want you to swallow every creamy drop of it cocksucker'! As I tasted his creamy pre cum I knew I was hooked on cocksucking, as I loved the feel and taste of his big cum oozing man prick in my mouth and couldn't wait to have him shoot off into my cock filled mouth and swallow his load! As I entered the dark theater I sat down in the back row and as I watched the movie I noticed that I had sat between two men who were slowly pumping their sexy man cocks. It started when I was a teenager and went to an adult movie theater in N.Y., I now live in CAL. I absolutely love pumping and sucking every drop of man cum out of sexy man cocks every chance I get and eating every creamy tasty salty sweet delicious yummy drop of it and sucking and milking harder for more! I so love the way creamy delicious man cum lingers in my cocksucking cum hungry cum eating cum loving mouth for hours after totally

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Ever since my introduction to the pleasures of cocksucking and cum eating by eight merchant marines at an adult movie theater when I was a young teenager, I'm addicted to cock and creamy delicious cum!

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